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2 months ago
# fanta <> 03/May/2022
# Script sencillo para subir un archivo a un server ftp
# Permite tambien borrar un archivo y descargarlo
# Ejemplos:
# Upload a file example: curlFTP -u /var/backups/vzdump-qemu-109-2022_05_03-01_47_35.vma.lzo
# Remove remote file example: curlFTP -r vzdump-qemu-109-2022_05_03-01_47_35.vma.lzo
# Download a file example: curlFTP -d vzdump-qemu-109-2022_05_03-01_47_35.vma.lzo
mode="$1" # -d -u -r
function main(){
function checkCurl(){
[ -z "$(whereis -b curl | awk {'print$2'})" ] && echo "curl - Maybe it is not installed on the system. Sorry but I can't continue." && exit
function checkFTP(){
ftpProtocol=$(curl -V | grep -i "Protocols" | tr " " "\n" | grep -w ftp)
if [ $ftpProtocol != "ftp" ]; then echo "Please compile curl with ftp protocol support"; exit; fi
function checkMode(){
[ -z "$mode" ] && echo -e "Please specifies an option: -d -u -r\n -d download a file\n -u upload a file\n -r remove a file" && exit
if [ $mode == "-u" ] ; then checkFile; fi
if [ $mode == "-u" ] ; then uploadFile ; fi
if [ $mode == "-r" ] ; then removeRemoteFile ; fi
if [ $mode == "-d" ] ; then downloadFile ; fi
function checkFile(){
[ -z "$file" ] && echo -e "Please specifies a filename." && exit
if [ -f "$file" ]; then echo "File: $file"; else echo "i can't find the file [ $file ] in that path"; exit; fi
function uploadFile(){
curl -T "$file" ftp://"$user":"$passwd"@"$ftpHost"/
function downloadFile(){
curl --output $file ftp://"$user":"$passwd"@"$ftpHost"/"$file"
function removeRemoteFile(){
curl -u "$user:$passwd" --quote "DELE $file" ftp://"$ftpHost"